Roald Dahl Summer Adventures
Open up a summer full of adventure! This summer, we're inviting children across the UK to embark on an adventure through their favourite Roald Dahl stories. For every week of the summer holidays, an exciting new challenge will be released which children and families can take on from their own homes.
Each week's adventure will be inspired by one of the best-loved Roald Dahl stories, encouraging children to be brave like Matilda, inventive like George, kind like Mr Fox, adventurous like James and much more.
Join in the fun
To come along on this spectacular journey, you can download each week's adventure activity sheet and get adventuring in your own time. What's more, you can start right now - find the first adventures further down this page. You can also print out your very own Roald Dahl Summer Adventures wall chart to help you track your adventure. Let the journey begin!
Download nowStand up for a cause you care about with Matilda
Our world is rather wonderful: the people, the places, the nature, the communities around us, and everything in between. But as Matilda discovered, the world is not perfect. There are plenty of splendid things you can do to make it a better place, no matter how small you are.
In the first week of our summer adventure, we want you to take inspiration from Matilda's bravery and boldness to raise awareness for a cause you care about.
Download nowBuild your own bug hotel with James
If you have read James and the Giant Peach, you will know that insects are not to be feared. They are, in fact, intelligent, friendly and useful creatures that we need for pollination, soil health and many other ever-so-important creepy-crawly things.
Your adventure this week is to give the insects in your garden a safe place to stay by building a brilliant bug hotel and throwing the grandest of openings.
Download nowRun your very own experiment with George
George uses his incredible imagination and inventiveness to solve a particularly tricky problem: the problem of his gruesome Grandmother. Now, we
would not for a second suggest you conduct experiments on any grandparent, but we can all take a little inspiration from George’s creative thinking.
Your challenge this week is to find a solution to a problem you have by either inventing something new, changing the way you do something, or conducting an experiment.
Download nowInvite your friends to a Fox's feast
Mr Fox is truly fantastic. Not just because of his brilliance and bravery, but because of his true kindness to his animal friends, especially when he brings them all together at the end of the story to celebrate and share his hard-earned food.
This week, your challenge is to take inspiration from Mr Fox and throw a glorious summer Fox’s feast for your friends.
Download nowFind the expert in your family (like Grandma!)
This week we are taking inspiration fromThe Witches. In the story, the Grandmother sits down with her grandson and reveals all there is to know about her fascinating past. She tells him many stories about her very special skill: identifying and discovering witches.
This week’s adventure is to get to know someone in your family who is an expert on any topic, and learn something from them that you didn’t know before.
Download nowLook back on your adventures
Well friends, we have reached the end of summer! We hope it's been everything you wished for. Did you try something new? Did you learn anything about yourself? What will you take from your adventures into the new school year?
This week, we want you to think back on all the adventures we’ve had together this summer.
Download now